
Полотенцесушители ARBLU TRENDY

Код товара:117400
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30x180 - 55x110 - 55x150 - 55x180 cm
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Pietrablu™, Livingstone®
Приблизительное время доставки
до 60 дней
Four textures of Livingstone® are coordinated with the four finishes of Pietrablu: Well, Trendy, Woody and the brand new Juta.‎ Pietrablu is a brand that creates coordinated programs of shower trays, wall panels, tops and boxed tops, furniture and washbasins able to create an exclusive, coordinated and refined bathroom.‎

The feeling of natural stone makes the TRENDY radiating panel the right compromise for those who want a simple object but with a well-defined character.‎

Hybrid radiators, electric heating walls, heating panels: every Livingstone product® is a model for heating design and Made in Italy excellence.‎

Patented technology
Our radiant panels made in Livingstone® marble powder are the result of research and our innovative, patented technology.‎ Marble powder, a by-product of marble-cut processing, is reused and agglomerated with water and binding agents.‎
The product is made with a cold-working process in all phases, from the agglomeration of the powders to the drying.‎ Livingstone® is a product where the basic components and the parts of marble are combined thanks to a low temperature process, which allows a lower energy consumption and a lower CO2 emission in the environment.‎
High-quality of the product is ensured by artisanal passion and experience.‎ Designs and models are made manually, with extreme care and attention.‎

Smart thermostats
All Livingstone® electric and hybrid products are provided with a control thermostat.‎ The temperature is always correct to ensure the proper comfort and not to waste energy when the desired temperature has been reached.‎
When the temperature in the room reaches the desired value, the thermostat detects the condition and reduces the energy used to avoid any heat dispersion.‎ Comfort and energy saving are the result of this intelligent control.‎

An ally against allergies
Livingstone® is our ally against allergies, because it does not move dust as it transfers the heat by irradiation.‎ The temperature is even on the entire surface of the radiant panel and is transferred more directly to the room.‎ 

A discreet presence
Livingstone® is a discreet presence, customizable in colours and textures on its surface to be combined with the furnishings.‎ A sober design, where the thermostat is concealed on the side of the panel to reduce its visual impact.‎ Livingstone® is decorative, if highlighted, or on the other hand it can conceal with its gentle and elegant appearance.‎

Livingstone® radiant panels are available in 3 options: electric, hydronic or hybrid.‎ The choice among these different technologies depends on usage and environmental factors as well as the existing electric or plumbing system of your house.‎ In the electrical option there are no constraints and the eventual photovoltaic system will improve the economic saving.‎ In case of a traditional plumbing system or a pellet heater, the hydronic version will be preferable.‎
Гарантия лучшей цены
Если вам удалось найти более низкую цену на этот же товар, сообщите. Поскольку наша компания старается заявлять лучшие цены в Сети, мы проведем анализ и дадим оптимальную стоимость. Чтобы получить дополнительную информацию о корпоративной гарантии лучшей цены, свяжитесь с нами по телефону 0 (800) 350-170 либо отправьте письмо по электронному адресу
Гарантия качества
Приобретая товары известных брендов, вы можете быть уверенными в их безукоризненном функционале. Вся продукция, которая представлена на сайте корпорации STS, соответствует самым жестким европейским стандартам качества и экологической безопасности. Она изготавливается на высокотехнологичном оборудовании из безупречного материала с ориентацией на современные тренды и многовековые национальные традиции мебельщиков.
Гарантия от производителя
Вся продукция получает гарантию от производителя на срок от 2 до 150 лет. Если при надлежащей эксплуатации на товаре проявляется дефект, в возникновении которого виноват производитель, он бесплатно заменяется на новый.
Вся продукция продаваемая STS, является оригинальной и соответствует спецификациям.
Полотенцесушители ARBLU TRENDY

Полотенцесушители ARBLU TRENDY

Код товара:117400

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